​​​​Explore the WBC 2024 ​Program​​

Navigating Global Challenges

Join us at World Brewing Congress 2024 as we delve into the dynamic landscape of brewing and tackle the key challenges shaping the industry. Get ready to chart the course for the future of brewing together!

Full Program Schedule​

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Raw Materials

Availability and Quality

Ensuring a steady supply of high-quality raw materials is essential for brewers worldwide. This multifaceted challenge includes grappling with surplus and shortage issues and navigating price increases exacerbated by factors like climate change.

Sessions Include:

  • Nitro-Boosted Breweries: Reducing CO2 Usage in Packaging
  • The path to sustainable malting barley: innovations in agriculture and malting technology
  • American single-malt whiskey, an emerging category with overlap and implications to the brewing industry
  • Smoky Hop Preparedness Workshop: Are you ready for the next wildfire smoke event?

Technology Advancements

AI's Impact on Brewing

As technology continues to revolutionize the brewing industry, understanding AI's implications is crucial. Learn how to leverage AI for product innovation, enhancing quality control processes, and harnessing data analytics for market insights.

Sessions Include:

  • Where Can Data and Technology Take Beer as an Industry?
  • Brewery plant integration & automation: practical case studies of growth and efficiency gains

New Product Innovation

Exceeding Consumer Demands

Meeting consumers' evolving demands in a competitive market requires constant innovation. Address trends such as developing NALAB, tackling declining demand for traditional beer styles, and incorporating alternative ingredients like THC/CBD.

Sessions Include:

  • Taproom Talk: Brewing Beyond Boundaries: Trials & Triumphs in the Triad of Beverage Innovation
  • More coming soon!


Global Market Solutions

Navigating regulatory frameworks across different markets presents significant challenges for brewers. Increase your understanding of TTB guidance and requirements in the US, explore new sources of spices for flavoring, and address regulatory disparities between countries.

Sessions Include:

  • Import/Export Challenges
  • Food Safety

Resilient Workforce

Recruiting and Retaining Quality Employees

Building a resilient workforce is essential for sustaining growth and innovation in the brewing industry. Focus on improving soft skills such as communication and leadership, advancing DEI initiatives, and strategies for attracting and retaining top talent.

Sessions Include:

  • Research in the Brewery: How to create an experimental design and report data
  • ASBC Method Templates and Example Spreadsheets to Simplify Data Management for Craft Brewers
  • A Resilient Workforce: Lessons Learned and How the Brewing Industry is Shaping for the Future

Sustainable Practices

Securing the Future of Brewing

Sustainable practices are paramount for ensuring the brewing industry's long-term viability. Explore initiatives such as reducing carbon footprint, sourcing local and organic ingredients, and addressing water impacts and supply chain sustainability.

Sessions Include:

  • Hops of the Future - Brewing Perspective
  • Sustainable Agricultural Production of Grain Ingredients for Brewing – Winter Barley and Kernza

Disclaimer: Information on this website, including program details and content, may change. We aim for accuracy, but unforeseen circumstances may require adjustments. Please verify details closer to the congress date.

WBC is hosted by the American Society of Brewing Chemists and Master Brewers Association of the Americas, with active participation by Brewery Convention of Japan, European Brewery Convention, and Institute of Brewing and Distilling